PJC students teach the importance of voting

Home 2008 archive PJC students teach the importance of voting

Wynonia Barrows

Published: Friday, August 29, 2008

Lately, the presidential race has been the main focus of national news. However, the buzz about the presidential race isn’t just obvious in national news; it has also affected and inspired many students at PJC, like Christopher Randall and Jeniece Brown.

Randall is the founder of the PJC Students for Obama Campaign, which is a branch connected to Florida’s campaign for Barack Obama for President.

“We’re trying to make students aware of the importance for them to be registered to vote. We are approaching the students in a non-partisan way, but if they’re interested in Obama we give them all the information they can handle,” said Brown, activities coordinator for the PJC Students for Obama Campaign.

The goal of the group is to have 1,500 students registered to vote by Oct. 4, 2008, and as of Aug. 27, the group has registered more than 40 students.

In an attempt to spread the word of voting importance, the PJC Students for Obama Campaign is planning to set up a table at a campus building almost every day.

Randall, who prides himself on being politically savvy, stated that this campaign is history in the making if Obama is elected.

“We need a president who represents change in a time of despair in America,” Randall said.

Brown and Randall deal with students who can only find the negative in the campaign.

“There are always going to be close-minded people, but that is just how things are,” said Brown.

So, be on the lookout for a table of wide-eyed, young leaders on campus trying to change the course of America.

If interested in volunteering for the organization, contact Jeniece Brown: JNB1064@students.pjc.edu.