Wade Manns – The Corsair Twenty-one PJC Student Government Association leaders joined 325 other community college student leaders from across the state April 7-8 to lobby legislators on bills currently being considered. The annual Rally in Tally, staged by the Florida Junior/Community College Student Government Association, included a rally on the steps of the old...
Year: <span>2010</span>
Brain Bowl team goes all the way
Kyra Wood – The Corsair PJC’s Brain Bowl team placed fourth out of eight competing teams assembled from all over the country to participate in the Brain Bowl Nationals, Feb. 26-27. Nationals took place at Chipola College in Mariana, a frequent National Academic Quiz Tournament host. PJC has attended nationals a total of five times...
So… What’s up with the Health Care bill?
Adrianna Dueck – The Corsair Obama’s new Health Care bill is probably the most disturbing and troubling problem that America is having currently. Even more unfortunate is the fact that I, along with most college students, have no idea what is actually going on inside of the closed doors in Washington D.C. Now I’m not...
Sexy or beautiful? Which are you? Part 1
Adrianna Dueck – The Corsair With all the amazing reality shows that viewers have to choose from on TV every night, the question that arises is “what does beauty really mean in our society?” Does having on the hottest, smallest, tightest Armani short shorts and an elegant Dolce blouse make one sexy, or is it...
Double delight greets viewers of Discovery launch
Madelain Tigano–The Corsair Spectators at the Kennedy Space Center got a double treat today as they gathered before dawn to witness the International Space Station cross the moon about 15 minutes before Discovery launched in a spectacular show. The pre-dawn launch was right on schedule at 6:21 a.m. this morning. “With the shuttle going up...
Six hours until expected blastoff of Discovery
Madelain Tigano–The Corsair Alan Poindexter, PJC alumnus and Commander of the STS-131 Discovery space shuttle, is scheduled to walk out with his crew of seven at 2:34 a.m. EST. From there the crew will take a bus to the Discovery shuttle, boarding the shuttle at 3:01 a.m. Poindexter will lead the crew to the international...
Fueling of the external tank has begun
At 9:28 p.m. EST, NASA started to fill the external tank attached to Discovery with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. The tank is used to fuel the shuttles three main engines weighing at 58,500 pounds and 1,668,500 pounds after it is filled with the propellants. The tank estimates at three hours to complete fueling. The...
Kennedy Space Center showcases wildlife
It is the night before our morning launch and the Corsair team is preparing for an all-nighter of shuttle and astronaut observation. As this blog is being composed the shuttle’s external hydrogen tank is being filled in preparation for the vessel’s 13-day interstellar mission. During our time here we’ve been able to catch glimpses...
NASA informs weather is the only possible delay in STS-131 mission
Madelain Tigano–The Corsair Weather may be the only factor for delay in the launch of STS-131, which is scheduled for Monday morning at 6:21 a.m. EST. PJC’s alumnus, Alan Poindexter will be commanding the Discovery launch. Today at the Kennedy Space Center for the STS-131 news conference, the management team took on questions revolving around...