Corrections and Clarifications

Home Archived News Corrections and Clarifications

Staff Reporters

Published: April 28 2004

The April 13 issue of The Corsair incorrectly identified the locations of two events on the Calendar page. The PJC Music Showcase on April 22 was featured in the Saenger Auditorium, and the PJC Student Recital on April 29 will be in the Ashmore Auditorium.

Also in that issue, the photo spread “Army event issues dog tags to students” incorrectly identified Lindsay Dunn.

Additionally, Angela McGill was misidentified among the names listed for student excellence award winners.

Finally, several staff members’ names were omitted from the staff box due to technical difficulties. Those names are: Haley Satterfield, Veronica Walker, Meg Murphy, Laura M. Ahr, and Brandi Gottlieb.

The Corsair regrets such errors and wants to set the record straight.  Readers are urged to report any inaccuracies that may appear. Call 484-1458.