Tornado hits west Pensacola

Home Archived News Tornado hits west Pensacola

By Joshua Encinias

Published on October 10, 2007

No one expected the kind of destruction normally found in the Midwest to happen in Pensacola. 

The town awoke this morning with ominious nimbostratus clouds overhead.  Around ten thirty the clouds produced a tornado that ripped through the neighborhoods of West Pensacola.

A and B streets received the worst damage.  The Greater Little Rock Baptist Church on A street sustained damage to it’s roof.  The mangled pieces could be seen scattered for blocks.

The old Blount school on Gregory and D street’s roof collapsed, causing damage to neighboring homes and vehicles.

“Everytime we have something like this, these clay tiles blow off and tear up the houses,” said Sherry Brantley. “It really needs to be fixed or taken down.”

Preceding the oncoming tornado, officers swept down A street to announce it’s arrival.

“The police came on an intercom and said yall get in the house, it’s two miles away.  By the time he got to the stop sign and went down the road, we were on the floor,” said Rachael Hatford.

“It sounded like death, like a freight train,” said Marcus Phelps.

Two houses down, neighbor Frank Brinson’s home was flattened.  Brinson and others were in the house at the time.

“That’s Mr. Frank’s house, he’s lived there a long time.  It’s sad man, people homeless,” said Phelps.