
Home Features Boxers

Published: March 29, 2006

Print Editor

Empress Brandi

Nooz Editor

Coffee Crazed Kook

Propaganda Editor

The Token Jew

Health and Fatness


Girly man

Graphic Designer

Rhinestone Cowboy aka The French Maid

Multimedia Director

Naughty Boy

Web Mangler/

Online Liar

The Phreak

Staff Soul Thief

Silent but Deadly

Staff Writers

Crazy Guy

The Whip Cracker

Delicious Mikela

Nit Picky

Freaks come out!

If you are weird and freaky and like to dress in drag or ravage young men in your sea monster costume then maybe working for the Corsair is the job for you!  Come sign up to be a writer, photographer, or just plain staff amusement.  We are located in the office with the door slated The Corsair (not a broom closet).

Llama working conditions

No llamas were harmed during the making of this paper.  Though, some were sacked towards the end becuse they did not have their llama papers that cleared them to work in the U.S.  We do not discriminate against any llamas at this time, despite claims earlier in the semester that freckled llamas could not be hired.  If you know of any freckled llamas that have been rejected from our staff, please report them so that we may have them re-sacked and shipped to Siberia.

Search for Truth

Any nicknames given to staff members are entirely true.  It is your job to read into them to figure out why they were given to each person.  If you know of any other nicknames these staff members hold, it is your job to come forth and let them be known.  Please drop your responses by our office.