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Future Ironman competitor gears up

By Jade Lantz Published on December 5, 2007 Ben Johnson, 17, a high school senior dual enrolled at PJC, is enduring a rigid training program in order to participate in a strenuous athletic competition, The Ford Ironman, in Panama City the first week of December, 2008. In between classes, work, and hanging out with friends,...


Fascination with computers leads to career and directorship

By Brenda Savage Published on December 5, 2007 It is generally assumed that most people interested in computers are men, when in fact the first computer programmer was a woman, Augusta Byron, countess of Lovelace.  It is out of the ordinary to find a smart, articulate, and attractive woman like Elizabeth “Liz” Gomez, director of...


Holidays mean blending new traditions with old

Published on November 21, 2007 Thanksgiving is upon us. It marks the advent of the madness universally known as the “holiday season.” We join the masses in celebration of brotherhood, unity, peace, love and understanding, and consumerism, depression, guilt and stress. It’s a season exemplifying the proverbial double-edged sword. Love it, or hate it. This...


Give the priceless gift

By Kristin Martin Published on November 21, 2007 The Northwest Florida Blood Center will be holding a blood drive at the Pensacola campus on Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in between the Student Center and the math building. “We’re the community blood center, so pretty much all the blood that...


Classrooms to conference room?

By Kristin Martin Published on November 21, 2007 For the past few weeks the Biology Sciences Department and PJC Foundations, both located in building 17, have had a misunderstanding. A rumor that PJC Foundations was attempting to rid the Biology Sciences department of two classrooms to turn them into a conference room left the Science...


Delaino named champion for schools

By Katie Coseo Published on November 21, 2007 PJC President Tom Delaino was celebrated as a Communities in Schools champion for his years of dedication to education and students at an awards dinner Nov. 8 at Seville Quarter in downtown Pensacola. Along with Honor Bell, of Gulf Coast Community Benefits Corporation, and Santa Rosa County...


PJC grad and local radio personality visits Iraq

By Lance Hayes Published on November 21, 2007 PJC graduate Dana Cervantes, morning personality at Cat Country 98.7, is representing the station on a 10-day tour of the Middle East. Cervantes will be touring Baghdad, Al Asad, Kuwait, and more, interviewing soldiers and officers, some of whom are from hometown Pensacola. When the opportunity arose...


Learning Centered College activities abound

By Dondwani Baines Published on November 21, 2007 In 2004, PJC revised its philosophy and strategic goals statements to emphasize a commitment to learning-centered instruction. Todd Neuman, learning centered college coordinator, said, “A Learning Centered College measures success by measuring and assessing the amount of learning that is occurring.” PJC is putting this emphasis on...


PJC to build Training Academy

By Melynda Griffin Published on November 21, 2007 During the last seven years alone, the United States has been struck by terrorism, natural disasters, an increase in criminal activity, and multiple health scares.  Naturally people have become much more concerned with public safety these days, and with increased interest has come increased effort in providing...


December launch window is slammed shut on STS-122

By Michael Rutschky Published on November 21, 2007 After a meeting held on Dec.9 to assess the faulty fuel sensors of space shuttle Atlantis, mission managers at Kennedy Space Center have decided to not launch the shuttle within it’s December launch window.  The shuttle was set to launch earlier that morning, but the proceedings were...