Category: <span>Archived News</span>

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PJC Foundation makes dreams come true

By Shelley Austin Published on November 21, 2007 “Helping Make Dreams a Reality.”  That’s The PJC Foundation’s motto, and it is doing all it can to live up to it.  Established in 1965, Pensacola Junior College Foundation is a private non-profit tax deductible corporation.  The Foundation encourages, solicits, receives and administers gifts and bequests of...


Change activists call for students to get involved

By Shelley Austin Published on November 7, 2007 Two combined PJC classes of about 60 students listened attentively to what Movement for Change guest speakers Leroy Boyd, Jeffrey Humbles, and Francis Tolbert had to say about the death of Martin Lee Anderson. On Tuesday, Oct. 30, students in Mr. Bill Fisher’s African American Literature class...


Go ahead and ask

By Diana Poist Published on November 7, 2007 “This is probably a stupid question, but.” Sound familiar? Probably. I doubt there is a student who has been in college for a week that hasn’t heard that phrase uttered during one of their classes. I always like classmates that start their questions that way. It usually...


Professor collects and preserves 19th Century art

By Joshua Encinias Published on November 7, 2007 Dr. Patrick Rowe, Pensacola Junior College professor, is preserving art history one illustration at a time. Recently retired from his 27-year summer job excavating Etruscan artifacts in Italy, Rowe has run his hands through enough Italian dirt to know what it takes to preserve artifacts, and now...


Space shuttle Atlantis arrives at launch pad

Published on November 7, 2007 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – After safely reaching its launch pad Saturday at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, the space shuttle Atlantis now awaits its next major milestone for the upcoming STS-122 mission. The full launch dress rehearsal is scheduled from Nov. 18 to 20 at Kennedy. The shuttle arrived at the...


Give the priceless gift

By Kristin Martin Published on November 7, 2007 The Northwest Florida Blood Center will be holding a blood drive at the Pensacola campus on Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. First time blood donors will need to show an ID. More details to come.


Building 6 at Pensacola campus receives roof repairs

By Kristin Martin Published on November 7, 2007 Construction workers at PJC have been busy since 7 a.m. this morning, Nov. 7, repairing the roof on building 6 at the Pensacola campus. The rotting wood in the roof is being cut out and replaced. The construction workers making the repairs said that it will take...


Ballet Gran Folklorico de Mexico

Sep 27 2006 12:00AM Ballet Gran Folklorico de Mexico, an international traveling company of singers, dancers and musicians will perform at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 6, at the Ashmore Fine Arts Auditorium, Bldg. 8, on the Pensacola campus. Drawing upon the vast and vibrant history of Mexico, Ballet Gran Folklorico de Mexico takes you on...


Remembering a day that forever changed the course of America’s future

Sep 11 2006 12:00AM Interviewer: Heather Madden Source: Rachel Strehlow Like many others, Rachel Strehlow was attending class Sept. 11th 2001.  For an 8th  grader the attacks had quite a different impact.  For Rachel the attacks brought confusion.  She did not quite understand what was going on at the time.  The teachers and students at...


Remembering of 9/11: An interview with Joan Disney

Gina Nespoli Sep 11 2006 12:00AM “I just didn’t understand,” Joan Disney, senior secretary for QEP, said.  She emotionally talks about her first reaction to hearing the news of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. “I was working in financial aid at the time and I remember someone came in and said that a...