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PJC starts year down-staffed

Katy Ferguson The Corsair PJC implemented a reduction in force as well as retirement incentives, resulting in a net reduction of 46 positions at the end of the fiscal year in June. The reductions were due to losses in state funding as well as program closures and grant funding. More than half of these employees...


Students with a “C” may not graduate

MADELAIN TIGANO Students with a “C” in English and/or Math courses will have to take additional tests to earn a degree at Pensacola Junior College. In Florida, college students are required by the state to maintain an average of 2.5 (C+) in two of these courses: ENC1101, ENC1102, or any general education literature course. Students...


New vaccines would immunize people against bad habits

Ronald Kotulak – Chicago Tribune Published: October 11, 2006 CHICAGO _ Vaccines, the most potent medical weapon ever devised to vanquish deadly germs, are now being called on to do something totally different and culturally revolutionary _ inoculate people against bad habits like overeating, cigarette smoking and drug use. Whether this new era of vaccine...


National Geographic offers homework help

Eric Goodwin – McClatchy-Tribune News Service Published: October 11, 2006 National Geographic magazine offers access to some of its vast resources on its Homework Help Web site ( While it has its shortcomings, the site has a few things going for it that could help you out in a crunch. One Homework Help’s best features...


Heating bills will likely be lower, trade group says

Kevin G. Hall – McClatchy Newspapers Published: October 11, 2006 WASHINGTON _ Worried that falling fuel prices might lead consumers to draw the wrong conclusion, a trade group for the nation’s natural-gas utilities said Monday that home heating bills should be lower this winter but warned against expecting them to plunge anywhere near as much...


Audio: Joe Roberts comes to PJC

Ricky Di Published: October 11, 2006 On October 10, Joe Roberts dropped by the PJC Student Center to chat with students about his campaign.  Studnets got to know Roberts and hear about the issues he plans to address. Corsair Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Rich-Neal, sat down with Roberts to further discuss these issues.


The Corsair wins state student press top award

Published: October 11, 2006 The Corsair garnered top honors and “Issue” was runner-up in the Florida Community College Press Association General Excellence awards Oct. 13 in Ft. Lauderdale.  The Corsair has won the award 13 of 16 years. The Corsair also placed in 17 of 18 categories, with first place in eight. The newspaper did...


Bluegrass bands bring music to Milton

Heather Madden Published: October 11, 2006 On Saturday, Sept. 30, the Milton campus was packed with melodious sounds and concertgoers for the Gulf Coast Bluegrass Music Association’s Fall Bluegrass Day.  The show was hosted by the association and the PJC Alpha Beta Gamma Business Honor Society. People of all ages attended to enjoy the tunes...


‘South Pacific’ casting wraps up, rehearsal begins

Jennifer Rich-Neal Published: October 11, 2006 The casting of “South Pacific” has ended and rehearsals are now underway. “The auditions were very competitive and we had to turn away many,” Rodney Whatley, director of theatre, said of the casting process. A total of 65 hopefuls turned out to audition for parts in “South Pacific” and...


Ex-Corsair staffer sentenced

Melissa Brown Published: October 11, 2006 Former Corsair sports editor Brian Nephi McLellan, 20, was sentenced Oct. 5 to nearly a year in jail and sexual offender status stemming from an arrest last July on eight counts of third degree felony with “possession of [a] photograph of [a] sexual performance by a child.” McLellan originally...