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Spyglass allows for easy navigation of PJC’s Web site

Sahara Locke Published: April 12, 2006 If you have visited the PJC Web site since returning from Spring Break, you have noticed that a transformation has taken place: a new look, a new feel, a new style, and a new mode of navigation throughout the site.  The new Web site and its accompanying Spyglass have...


Current PJC student runs for mayor

Moria Dailey Published: April 12, 2006, the networking Web site that has been on the tip of everyone’s tongue and subject of multiple newspaper articles, now has a new use. Byron Tripp is using the Web site to “get the word out” about his mayoral campaign. Tripp, 24, is majoring in general studies at...


The new face of journalism at PJC

Melissa Brown Published: March 29, 2006 Where do you get the majority of your news?  Do you rely primarily on the printed newspaper, or is the Internet your main newsgathering hub? In this age of media evolution, more and more people are turning to the web for news and information, and PJC’s Corsair is right...


Late fees waived during National Library Week

Melissa Brown Published: March 29, 2006 Freedom.  It’s a blessing Americans champion for.  And it’s a privilege Pensacola LRC librarian Charlotte Sweeney says our library has to offer. “We’re libraries – we believe in free,” Sweeney said.  Evidence of this belief is the LRC’s policy of forgiving library fines for overdue materials during National Library...


More lies told in phone conversations than in e-mail

Dawn Baird Published: March 29, 2006 Dr. Jeff Hancock gave an engaging talk on when, where, and how people lie online on March 21 on the PJC’s Pensacola campus. An assistant professor at Cornell University’s technical communications department, Hancock is currently working on developing systems to detect deception online. ÿAccording to the Federal Trade Commission,...


“Rally in Tally” addresses important issues

Moria Dailey Published: March 29, 2006 Rain may have dampened the ground outside, but it couldn’t dampen the spirits and drive of the Florida Junior Community College’s Student Government Association (FJCCSGA) members gathered in Tallahassee on March 23. SGA members from each of Florida’s 28 community colleges’ campuses had gathered in Tallahassee the day before...

PJC lobbyist battles budget cuts to education

PJC lobbyist battles budget cuts to education

by Paul Smith The 19th century German statesman, Otto von Bismarck once said, “Laws are like sausages. It’s better not to see them being made.” It is Larry Bracken’s job not only to see laws being made, but also to influence the legislative process in the lawmaking sausage-factory of the Florida Capitol. That’s because Bracken...


Adult high school receives $2 million renovation

Kay Forrest The Corsair Building 11, otherwise known as the PJC Adult High School, is a building much like the others surrounding it: big, brick and stable. However, this particular building is soon to undergo renovations that will make it the most high-tech and “greenest” on campus. Thanks to a generous donation of $1 million...


PJC offers prep class for citizenship eligibility test

Ashley Thompson The Corsair PJC is offering a free, six-week prep class for those who are eligible to take the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services test. Nearly 1.2 million people legally immigrant to the United States every year according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. “The process to become an American citizen can...


PJC Police Department has unique mission

Madelain Tigano The Corsair Pensacola Junior College has funded a safe learning community for 60 years, and in 1996 it established it’s very own police department. PJC, Tallahassee Community College, and Santé Fe Community College are the only community colleges in Florida to have their own police departments. Today, PJC’s police department is home to...