Category: <span>Editorial & Opinion</span>

Home Editorial & Opinion

Unemployment – Part 1: The Issues

Tim Ajmani The Corsair One of the biggest issues today in the world is the unemployment rate. According to the United States Department of Labor, the unemployment rate “represents the number unemployed as a percent of the labor force.” Dealing with a high unemployment rate is harmful to the production and existence of any country,...


Remembering Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, 1955-2011 The world mourns the passing of a technical pioneer, a man who did so much for the technological advances of our generation, yet was tragically cut down by that most pernicious of human weaknesses: cancer. Steve Jobs had a very interesting life before he formed Apple Computer, Inc. in 1976; two years...


The Tim Tebow debate

Tim Ajmani The Corsair If I were to mention the name Tim Tebow, I would get mixed comments, especially being in Florida. If you’re a Gator fan, like myself, you like him and are thankful for his contributions to the University of Florida, both on and off the field. If you’re a Miami or Florida...


The all-around best tablet on the market

Apple iPad 2 What’s this? Me, writing a review of a device – a tablet, no less? Well, I feel I have to, for the pleasurable experience I’ve had with it this weekend. Apple’s iPad 2, released March 11, 2011, set a new bar for tablet computers. This weekend, I finally had the good fortune...


High school to college: the transition

Tim Ajmani The Corsair My old high school principal’s huge motto for my senior year was “choices.” How do I remember that? He only mentioned it a couple thousand times before I graduated, which got quite boring and repetitive to say the least. But, he had a critical purpose in stressing this. A high school...


Kudos, PSC

Tim Ajmani The Corsair This summer has been a nightmare for many athletic programs in the NCAA. Prestigious universities in the country, including Ohio State University and the University of North Carolina, have had their names and reputations tarnished by sports scandals. Throw in the NFL and NBA  lock outs, and it puts most of...


High School to College: The Transition

My old high school principal’s huge motto for my senior year was “choices”. How do I remember that? He only mentioned it a couple thousand times before I graduated, which got quite boring and repetitive to say the least. But, he had a critical purpose in stressing this. A high school graduate has many paths...


Recap of the 2010-2011 NBA season

Tim Ajmani The Corsair I was one of those people before the NBA season began that said a “Big 3” in Miami was bad for the league as a whole. Well, almost one year later, and I have to say that I was dead wrong about that. The NBA probably just had its most successful...


Too much technology?

Tim Ajmani The Corsair When is too much of a good thing a bad thing? Sometimes too much easy is dangerous and detrimental to us. For example, look at technological advances made in the automobile industry. Ten years ago, having cars “park” themselves was unthinkable. But now, Ford has enabled the feature in their compact...


Reflecting on the NFL lockout

Tim Ajmani The Corsair If we were to take a poll of the most popular sport in America right now, it wouldn’t be “America’s Pastime”, baseball. It wouldn’t be basketball, despite the current state of the NBA that is signaling that a “passing of the torch” is taking place. And it wouldn’t be hockey, the...