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Governor Crist signs off on tuition increase

By Michael Rutschky Published on October 24, 2007 Governor Charles Crist has recently signed a bill that will increase the tuition for students of PJC starting in the spring semester.  The bill calls for a 5% tuition increase, which adds up to about $3 per credit hour.  The bill also calls for a 4% budget...


Student evalution forms have changed this fall

By Rachel Worth Published on October 24, 2007 In order to ensure the quality of interaction between students and teachers, PJC students complete a “Pensacola Junior College Student Rating of Instruction Form”  in many of their classes. These forms are used to gather information from the students, and to personally evaluate each student’s reaction to...


Early class times suit some students

By Trenton Willnecker Published on October 24, 2007 The sun hits your face as your alarm clock goes off at 6:45 in the morning, just enough time to get a shower and get to class at 7:30 a.m. But this isn’t high school. No, this is college. In spring 2007, PJC implemented a new schedule,...


Scholarships are out there, you just have to look

By Lindsey Luker Published on October 24, 2007 Tuition for 12 college credit hours: $800.  Books that will only be read for one semester and won’t be bought back: $600.  Pens, pencils, paper, and other “odds and ends” for school: $100.  Having someone help you pay for it: Priceless.    With all the stresses that come...


Spring courses link math with career aspirations

By Dondwani Baines Published on October 24, 2007 To illustrate the importance of mathematics in other courses and in real world situations, PJC is now offering “linked courses.” Vicki Schell, the district academic department head of mathematics, explained that linked courses are two courses from different departments, programs or disciplines that will share students and...


PJC OneCard well received in initial launch

By Joshua Encinias Published on October 24, 2007 This semester PJC implemented a new means of financial aid disbursement.  The new program is called the PJC OneCard.  It is used for financial aid returns, money from dropped classes and optional banking. Advertising for the card went on for months leading up to its inception, yet...


Galloping goosebumps it’s a ghost!

By Diana Poist Published on October 24, 2007 On Halloween night theater and arts department adjunct Mike Coleman is planning a sleepover. It’s going to be sort of like a backyard camp out complete with sleeping bags, flashlights and favorite snacks.  But, instead of sleeping in a tent the campers will be at the Ashmore...


Billy Waters hopes to spark student interest with “Nightwalk”

By Joshua Encinias Published on October 24, 2007 The recently reopened PJC Planetarium will have free showings of “Nightwalk” tomorrow and Wednesday at 9:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 12:00 p.m. each day.  “Nightwalk” is a 6 minute, Halloween themed demo projected from Digistar, the planetarium’s laser program. The show was developed in 1996...


Fridays are bustling at PJC

By Lindsey Luker Published on October 24, 2007 Fridays at PJC are not as quiet as the typical, Monday-Thursday student would expect.  After visiting the Pensacola campus on a Friday, one soon realizes that many students come here on Friday to either attend class or catch up on assignments.  Who exactly attends class on Friday...


New gaming club seeks players

By Matt Brown Published on October 24, 2007 Is there a troll inside of you just waiting to get out? Do you feel that your friends completely lack the skills to put you in “checkmate”? Are you ready to pass “Go” and collect $200? If this sounds like you, then you’re ideal for the PJC...