Category: <span>Features</span>

Home Features

Batter up for fall ball

By Nathan Deen Published on October 10, 2007 The PJC baseball team has gotten off to a good start thus far in the fall exhibition season. The Pirates only loss was a 1-0 affair at the hands of conference rival Chipola during an invitational tournament. PJC followed that loss with three consecutive shutouts. Their first...


Football & friendships

By Katie Coseo Published on October 10, 2007 Out on the field in the afternoon sun, football practice is in session. The women’s flag football team is up and running for another season and the players are as excited as ever. “I love it,” said Jana Williams, a PJC sophomore and second-year player. Any women...


Vehicle burglaries on PJC Pensacola campus

By Joshua Encinias Published on October 10, 2007 There have been several vehicle burglaries lately on the Pensacola campus. All burglaries occurred in area near the track/pool/gym (Lot 9). In each case, vehicle windows were broken out and purses were taken. The burglaries occurred in both daylight and at night. Contact PJC Police if you...


Alpha Beta Gamma participates

By Joshua Encinias Published on October 10, 2007 Alpha Beta Gamma at PJC is participating in Make A Difference Day to re-stock the pantry shelves at the Ronald McDonald House of Northwest Florida. The mission of the Ronald McDonald House of Northwest Florida is to be the best Home-Away-From-Homer for children and families of children...


Student Support Services: a commitment to success

By Diana Poist Published on October 10, 2007 In Building 6, next to the Testing Center on the Pensacola campus of PJC, is an office that Rachelle Burns likes to refer to as a “one-stop shop.” Burns is director of Student Support Services, one of seven Department of Education TRIO programs targeting at-risk college students. ...



by Lorraine Organ Published on October 10, 2007 The sand is pure white, the water is a clear emerald color, and the sunlight is reflecting off of the crashing waves.  That is enough to marvel at.  Perhaps you would like to go for a swim.  Suddenly, you come across a few surfers who are feeling...


You have ‘Pirate’ mail

by Brenda Savage Published on October 10, 2007 Last year, PJC began offering students personal e-mail accounts. This semester, Pirate Mail has become the primary method PJC uses to communicate with students. Pirate mail is an email account automatically created for each PJC student enrolled in college credit courses. Pirate mail is a fast, efficient...


Literary Roundtable unveils Literary Magazine

Kristen Bailey Published: September 28, 2005 Complimenting their glazed doughnuts and hot coffee with jazz music and blue skies, students and faculty of PJC gathered yesterday in the gazebo at a small reception celebrating the Literary Roundtable’s newly published literary magazine, Issue.   Former writers and artists for the magazine, as well as newcomers to the...


Decked Out: Fall Fashion Must-Haves

Monica Moody Published: September 28, 2005 Dressing for a night out is nothing like it used to be. The ever-changing rules that dictate fashion trends could easily leave you passed-out on your bedroom floor with a spinning headache and nothing to wear.   So, after hours of careful research and countless sleepless nights spent hunched over...


Art department displays extensive gallery collection

Kristen Bailey Published: September 28, 2005 Composed of more than 400 varied pieces covering all possible art mediums, PJC’s art department has been formulating PJC’s Permanent Collection for more than 30 years.  “When I was hired in 1974, the charge was to create a professional art exhibition for the department and the college,” Allan Peterson,...