Category: <span>News</span>

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#MeToo makes waves on campus

#MeToo makes waves on campus

Students, faculty deliberate significance of movement By Donny T. West There’s a movement growing that’s changing everything. It started with Weinstein, then Spacey, eventually going so far that it’s shaken up our political system, bringing down big names in every industry. But something else happened. Regular women who were not actresses or politicians began to...

March for Our Lives

March for Our Lives

By Donny T. West It’s no secret. There’s a conversation about gun violence going on right now that many are taking part in. We’ve had this talk before, only for it to go away until the next shooting. But this time, it’s different. Students are getting active in politics on a scale not seen since...

American Creed addresses national crisis

American Creed addresses national crisis

By Becca Carlson WSRE hosted an advanced screening of the new PBS documentary “American Creed” on Tuesday, Feb. 25 in the Jean and Paul Amos Performance Studio. A community discussion moderated by Dr. Douglas Mock, a Pensacola State College instructor, followed the viewing with special guests Terrence Davenport and Tegan Griffith, both featured in the...

Students need to know campus safety protocol

Students need to know campus safety protocol

By Anthony Sevilla In the wake of the Parkland shooting that left 17 people dead, students are worried about campus safety and find themselves checking the security of their surroundings. Out of this senseless tragedy sprouts a very important question: would we be ready in the case of a school shooting? Preparedness in a crisis...

Eileen Myles reads, writes, inspires poetry

Eileen Myles reads, writes, inspires poetry

By Sarah Richards Renowned poet and novelist, Eileen Myles, treated Pensacola State College to a trio of culture, creativity, and conversation, beginning with a reading at the Lyceum on Feb. 8. On Feb. 9, a workshop was held in the library and an informal interview with Jamey Jones, PSC poetry and literature professor, at the...

Visual Arts students crush ADDY competition

Visual Arts students crush ADDY competition

By Becca Carlson Pensacola State College (PSC) visual arts students won 76 awards out of 175 entries at the recent gala, formerly known as the ADDYs, held at the Hilton Pensacola Beach Hotel. Zach Blessing and Kelly Bestgen each won a prestigious Judge’s Choice Award Feb. 17. This was Daniela de Castro’s first time to...

PSC reveals new art gallery; brings culture to campus

PSC reveals new art gallery; brings culture to campus

By Donny T. West Construction of the Charles W. Lamar Studio is now complete and open to students and the community. The Lamar, Switzer and Reilly families- all descendants of Lamar- were invited to a ribbon cutting ceremony of the new art gallery on Feb. 27 at Pensacola State College. The families have gifted millions...

Food pantry available to students

Food pantry available to students

SGA offers assistance, encourages students to donate By Donny T. West A lot of college students are going hungry. The PSC Student Government Association is here to help. Today, it’s harder than ever to get by, and there is a higher rate of poor and homeless students than ever before, and colleges lacking the funds...

Pensacola State presents Black History

Pensacola State presents Black History

By Jay Pham In honor of Black History Month, Pensacola State College (PSC) presented two plays directed by Lawrence Gamell, Jr. The plays illustrated the lives of influential blacks in history and inspired all who saw it. “Everybody’s gonna enjoy the show. It’s for Black History Month, it’s educational, it’ll be fun.” Gamell said. The...

Meltdown and Spectre put online info at risk

Meltdown and Spectre put online info at risk

By Jacob Defosse Recent news of Meltdown and Spectre, advanced computer viruses, has hit citizens with an enormous amount of data loss. Because of this, many people are being robbed of their personal information, including their banking account information. People can’t simply brush off this issue. Users need to be informed that what is going...