By Alana Dutson
As a student, life can be hectic with deadlines and schedules to keep. Imagine being a parent and adding in the extra stress of finding affordable child care that will accommodate your busy schedule.
At Pensacola State College (PSC), many of our students are faced with that exact scenario. Thankfully, there is a day care center on campus that offers discounted child care to PSC students.
The day care is nestled between building one, building five and the baseball field. Passersby will hear the joyful squeals of children playing at the Campfire PSC Child Development Center. Unfortunately, many students have no idea Campfire is there; only one third of the enrollment is linked to PSC students.
“I didn’t even know this existed, really. Campfire just kind of happened for me,” said Sarah Deener, a current PSC student and teacher at Campfire.
Deener was struggling to keep up with her classes until PSC administrators helped to arrange child care at Campfire. Now, Deener is working to complete her final semester at PSC before she heads to the University of West Florida this fall to pursue her bachelor’s degree.
“I didn’t even think I wanted in the day care. I just honestly wanted to be a teacher,” Deener said. “I thought it was just a job to help me get experience, but it’s been opening up my eyes to a lot of new possibilities.”
Tina Isaacson, the director of Campfire, strives to help students to the best of her ability. “I do want to offer the best care that I can,” Isaacson said. “I’m always open to help a parent even if they don’t use us. I’m here to help guide them to find child care for their children.”
In addition to the staff, Campfire also offers many benefits including a $15 discount to PSC students depending on the age of their child. Campfire also offers free Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) to anyone with a child that is age four or five. “Our VPK rocks that’s for sure,” Isaacson said.
For many parents, the most important benefit is the location of Campfire. “I personally think it’s a convenience,” Deener said. “Just knowing that your kid is on the campus, it’s a very good feeling.”
“I think that if you’re a student and you need the help, I think you should definitely bring them here,” Deener said.
If you are a student at PSC and are in need of child care, contact Tina Isaacson at 850-484-1524 or stop by building 24 during the hours of 8 a.m.-5 p.m.