Extra-terrestrial fun and action from the guys who brought you Hot Fuzz!

Home Arts and Entertainment Extra-terrestrial fun and action from the guys who brought you Hot Fuzz!


Starring Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and the voice of Seth Rogen

Genre: Sci-fi comedy

Rating: R for language including sexual references, and some drug use

Around 70 or so years ago, an alien crash-landed on Earth, and after being the guest of our government for as many years, decided to escape. He finds the perfect companions to help him do so: two sci-fi nerds on holiday from England.

With a style that definitely evokes Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz (naturally, since the principal actors from those movies are in this one!) and with awesome CG effects and hilarious comedy, Paul alternately wows and ekes laughter out of every pore! Many references to other alien movies abound (Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Aliens, and others), and Seth Rogen injects his usual sardonic wit into our dimunitive, foul-mouthed alien.

There are cameos from people you wouldn’t expect (I won’t spoil who plays the Big Guy, the mastermind of the push to get Paul back) and some slapstick from bumbling Men in Black, giving the movie lasting comedic value. I loved seeing the totally realistic level of detail on Paul, as well as the revelations of his various abilities, which would indeed be of great use to the government…

Give this movie a rent today; you won’t regret it! Five out of five!