Faulty wiring blamed in car fire at Warrington

Home 2008 archive Faulty wiring blamed in car fire at Warrington
Katie Coseo
Published: Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A car fire broke out at the Warrington Campus outside the Student Center Building at around 10:55 a.m. Sept. 9 before the scheduled 60th anniversary luncheon with Dr. Meadows.
Campus police were on the scene before firefighters arrived. Officer Wallace Carter, who is also a student and Warrington SGA president, assisted in trying to put out the fire but now has slight heat burn on his face. Lieutenant Melton commented, “We didn’t get it out, even with three extinguishers.” The officers said that even the asphalt was on fire.
When the fire was finally extinguished, fire marshals said that the cause of the fire was from an electrical short in an amplifier in the stereo system that overheated and melted the fuel line. Because of the amount of damage to the car, it is unlikely that it is salvageable and must be towed from the PJC parking lot.