Goodbye Y’all

Home Archived Sports Goodbye Y’all

Joe Elder

Published: April 28 2004

Well folks, here it is.  This is my farewell address.  My tenure as sports editor is officially over.

I would like to thank Thom Botsford, head of department of English and Communication, and Christina Drain, The Corsair adviser, for the opportunity that they gave me by allowing me to hold this position.

I would also like to thank the rest of The Corsair staff.  It was definitely an experience I will remember.

I would also like to thank Jim Ellis, editor in chief.  Jim is a great guy.  Thank you Jim for all the help you gave me.  Whenever I had a question or needed a hand you were always more than willing to help.  I really appreciate that.

I hope that the next sports editor does a better job than I did, and that they continue to keep the sports page running at least two pages.  For the next Sports Editor, I leave a gift as well.  I bequeath Champs vs. Chumps to whomever fills the position.  Champs vs. Chumps is definitely a lot of fun and became an instant hit.  Have fun with it and keep it running.

The Corsair was definitely a cool experience.  I have always loved to write and I have always loved sports, so this was really awesome.  It gave me the opportunity to do both and on top of that, I got paid for it too (how cool is that).  To all of those out there that are considering filling the open positions on the Corsair staff I strongly urge you to go ahead and give it a shot.  It is definitely a worthwhile experience.  I got to meet coaches from the various sports, players, the whole nine. 

A farewell wouldn’t be a farewell without shout outs.  I would like to say hey and thank you to my folks, Doty, Tonya, Markus, lil’ Kevin, Nick, my SGA, and those who attended the night of “Ben Hur” at my house.  All of you in some form or another helped me by participating in an event or by having a spouse or significant other that triggered a story idea for me.  Also, thanks to you all for being supportive and reading my articles even though some of you are not sports fans.

To the Corsair readers, it was fun.  I enjoyed the letters to the editor I received and the comment I received on the Web site (in case you didn’t know the Corsair is on the web at  It was nice to know that people were reading whether or not they agreed with me.  The Corsair is for the readers.  It is to keep you guys up to date on campus goings on and some current event things.  I feel that, not just in sports but the paper as a whole, did a good of job of doing that for you and I hope you agree.

I’m sure I will run into some of you over at UWF.  I hope to see you all there.  Good luck in your futures, everyone.

Toady, you thought I forgot, didn’t you. 

Thank you for all the advice and all the hook ups you gave me.  I never realized that someone with a name like Toady Worm would be so “juiced in” with the world. 

I really appreciated the backstage passes and all the other cool things.  I’ll never forget that I worked with the coolest Worm in the known universe.  I’ll pass on the nudist colony idea next time though.

Well, this is it.  For Milton Joe, that’s a wrap.