Hope to Harvest

Home Archived Opinion Hope to Harvest

Ansley Zecckine

Published: October 10, 2007

Construction may not be an easy line of work, but it’s the only way to truly live life. In every trial and circumstance there’s a nugget or two of wisdom worth taking; we need to take these situations and count them for good. Despite everyone else’s intentions, God promises to use every circumstance to accomplish His plan for our lives, and His plan is best no matter what we think or feel; what we think or feel changes, but God never changes. We need to trust Him and continue to pursue the goals and passions which He has given us.

Eventually, someone is probably going to tell you that you can’t do it, that you’re not good enough, or that it just isn’t possible, and that person may even be yourself at times. At this point you have to make a choice: follow the grain of society and give up your dreams, or stay strong and continue in hope.

In the PJC theatre department, I help construct sets which are used during performances. One thing we can all understand about construction is that we don’t want the structure to fall apart, right? Well, one way we keep this from happening is by using small triangular pieces of wood called cornerstones to fasten the lengths of wood together in the form of frames; however, there is a certain way that it needs to be done or it won’t do much good. The grain in the triangular piece of wood can’t follow along the same direction as the joint, or else a small amount of pressure could cause it to break.

What’s the life parallel? The cornerstone represents your heart, and it is the connection between your dreams and reality. If you start believing the false ideas of society towards the goals and dreams God’s given you, then wouldn’t that connection break apart? This is a challenge for all of us to go against the grain!

The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone; He is the foundation, and we are victorious because of it. As we face the oncoming pressures of life, let’s be encouraged by the words of the Lord in John 16:33- “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Jesus overcame the world after he died to pay for the sins of every person; he became victorious over death when God resurrected Him, and now He is at the right hand of God working on our behalf.

So, what is the result when the grains in two lengths of wood are opposite from each other? They form a cross, and the message of The Cross is evidence of the power of God. God’s plan is to use His power in our lives, and because of this we also have strength to press on.