by Daniel Cheer

The Hurricane Review, Pensacola State College’s (PSC) national literary magazine, released its newest issue.
The magazine itself differs from other publications at PSC because it does not just incorporate art and stories from students but contributors from all across the country.
The magazine has been in publication since 1986, where it was called Half Tones to Jubilee, with each issue having its central theme. The 2020 Review focused on all things 2020, from the pandemic to the protest and all in between.
A consistent component of each issue is the front cover photo. The photo is a representation of what readers are in store for when they open up the magazine. The 2020 issue features just a plain mask, a fitting representation of unprecedented times.
PSC artist Danny Nguyen designed the 2020 cover during his first semester working with The Hurricane staff as a designer.
“I think having a mask on the cover was fitting.” said Nguyen ”The mask itself symbolizes what happened during that time.”
COVID-19 presented the magazine with a myriad of challenges, including the inability to distribute in their normal fashion. In previous years, the advisor for the Hurricane Jamey Jones, along with the staff, would hold a reception where writers and artists would come and enjoy light refreshments and readings from the new issue.
“It so interesting when you start, we started out with different symbols, and we liked several of them, but then somewhere along the lines, we decided on masks,” said Jones
However, shutdowns made this an impossible task, so the need to think outside the box was paramount. Staff member Lindsey Mcalister has found such a solution.
Mcalister has been traveling to different local libraries and businesses to get copies in the hands of people all across Escambia and Santa Rosa county.
Lindsay said, “the basic idea is to get us more out in the community, where we can be more reachable.”
The Hurricane Review is a free publication that can be picked up in the main office in building 4, room 442, and your local PSC library, so pick up your copy today.
Staff member Raechel Lungearo said, “These poetry books have testimonials, and I really think they should be heard, especially in our community. They can definitely bring us together.”