Movie Review: “Flushed Away” fun family comedy for holidays

Home 2009 Archive Movie Review: “Flushed Away” fun family comedy for holidays

Cynthia Munoz

Published: November 22, 2006

From the producers of “Wallace and Gromit,” “Flushed Away” is a sewage floating tale of two mice on an adventure: one to make money, the other on a quest to go home.

This sweet tale of how bitter acquaintances become friends through trust and teamwork is raking in revenues at the box office.

A posh, friendless mouse by the name of Roddy St. James (Hugh Jackman) is flushed down the commode by a nasty street rat, drifting into a rat city just below London.  Trying to find his way home, Roddy meets Rita (Kate Winslet), a pirating mouse on the run for stolen treasure.

After learning a valuable lesson of what friends are for, reminiscent of Disney’s hit “Lady and the Tramp,” Roddy decides to not stay at his ritzy home and returns to Rita.  They work together in an effort to save the rat city from an overpowering, kooky frog king (Ian McKellen) from flooding the city of rats.

The digital clay animation is a fun ride of sewer currents, team adventure and innocent comedy with clever adult humor. Overall, these crazy mice make “Flushed Away” a fun family comedy just in time for the holidays.