by William Patterson
Sept. 8-12 is the annual National Suicide Prevention Week and Pensacola State College is having several events to raise awareness.
The events seek to provide information so people can recognize signs of depression and have the ability to help the people in which they see those signs.
On Wednesday, September 10, Pensacola State C.A.R.E.S. will be handing out glow sticks, mental health/suicide prevention materials, t-shirts, stress balls and other giveaways from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in Bldg. 5, the Student Center.
There will also be a Trivia Challenge in which students can win $20 gas cards or Subway cards.
At 8 p.m., there will be candlelight vigils across the nation to remember those that have taken their life due to depression or mental health issue. “Show us your Glow” is the PSCARES project’s social media version of a candlelight vigil.