by Ally Doty
The Pensacola State College softball team played their first home, double header of the season Friday, Feb. 8, against Southwest Mississippi Community College.
Coming into Friday’s games the Pirates were 1-4 this season and were looking to add a couple more wins to their record.
In the first game of the day, PSC put up two points in the first inning after Greta Longagnani struck out all three SMCC hitters.
Nobody else scored until the bottom of the sixth inning when freshman Ashley Peters hit a triple and scored at Longagnani’s hit to left field.
The Pirates kept hold of the lead, 3-0.
Within the first minutes of the second game the Pirates pulled for three outs to the Bears and created numerous opportunities in the bottom of the first inning.
The first five up-to bat for PSC scored, and Kayli Evans scored late in the first to put the Pirates up 6-0.
SMCC put up two points on the board at the top of the second and kept PSC from scoring.
Both teams scored in the third inning, adding two extra runs to the scoreboard, making it 8-4.
Late in the fourth inning, Dominique Rodriguez smashed a ball out of left field for her first homerun of the season. She rounded the bases, smiling the whole way, and met her team at home plate.
The bases were loaded in the bottom of the fifth, but Pirates Ashley Peters and Rodriguez stuck out which left them with one more chance to score.
As Becca Calloway went up to bat she struck a ground line-ball that allowed two more runs to cross home plate and the third out for the Pirates.
PSC won their second home game, 12-4.
The Lady Pirates will play six games away and will return to their home field March 6 to play a double header against Oakland City.