Political roundtable: education, healthcare and foreign policy

Home Features Political roundtable: education, healthcare and foreign policy

Danielle Provau

The Corsair

Laughter and casual conversation floated from the six panelists as they waited for the second part of Pensacola State College Philosophy Club’s Political Roundtable to start, Oct. 29. Professor Mike Gilbert, moderator, called the panel to order to discuss education: liberal vs. vocational. Should one get more focus than another?

“There definitely should be a distribution between the two. If you focus more on one end of the spectrum than another end there will be weakness,” stated panelist Sam Mullen.

Liberal education is a higher formal education while vocational education is more about job training. Education is a focus that went both ways on the roundtable.

Some panelists were calling a liberal arts degree a luxury and a useless degree, and that being able to supply a trade for a particular job is a better focus.

However, some panelist felt that not having the liberal education would not be a smart way to go because what happens when the job you are trained for is no longer around or needed?

Having panelists on both sides added heated discussion, however, Gilbert had to move the panel on to healthcare.

Healthcare is an issue that has divided Americans for many years.

“We are the only developed country without universal healthcare and our constitution promises us to the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” declared Jay Scott Southworth.

The panel clearly agreed that Medicare needs a facelift, and making major changes could be a good thing, but it will not be easy in a country that has a morbid obesity epidemic.

“I am getting the high sign. Ten minutes to go,” called Gilbert as he moved the panel to foreign policy.

The talk went into Iran and nuclear capabilities.

Can those countries be trusted and allowed to have such power?

Bledsoe brought up how the presidential election candidates, both President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, had similar ideas on how to handle foreign policy.

At the end, Gilbert cut in and stated how he wished he had started with foreign policy. He thanked the panel for their participant and attendance.