Post-New Orleans, God’s next target is… Canada?!

Home Archived Opinion Post-New Orleans, God’s next target is… Canada?!

Charles Allen

Published: October 26, 2005

That does it! There are some things making me angry. So, in the noble tradition of journalism, I decided to write this instead of flipping out. Bear with me.

Recently, the Pensacola News Journal printed a letter to the editor in which a person stated that people wishing to move to Canada shouldn’t do so. The reason?

Canada has legalized same-sex marriage and is therefore in danger of being destroyed by God.

Now, I’m not the biggest fan of Canada myself (it’s too cold). But, does anyone honestly believe that God would decide to judge us here on Earth (instead of in the afterlife) and bring down the wrath on Canada?

I can see it now. God says, “Those humans were pushing the envelope with the holocaust against my chosen people, but a hair-dresser and an interior decorator living together in holy matrimony! Canada will rue the day!”

I’m sure God would skip over genocide and rape to take down homosexuality. If God does decide to come and destroy us, I hope it’s because of bigots, zealots, and this rude lady who works at the Tom Thumb down the street from me. And besides, the last thing Canada needs is hockey season being canceled because of fiery sulfur falling from the sky.

Do you remember after 9-11, when Jerry Falwell opened his pie hole and said that God let such a thing happen to us because of homosexuals? If we were to think back to Nazi Germany, I believe there was a certain group of people that became the scapegoat for every wrongdoing that happened to Germany after World War I.

I am sensing a reoccurring theme here. I sincerely hope we have progressed enough to not persecute a group of people for everything that goes wrong.

Every time disaster strikes, people are so quick to find something to blame.

After Hurricane Katrina all you could hear about on the news was, “Whose fault is this?”

Did anyone think that it could have possibly been the hurricane’s fault?

In fact, throughout history, disaster has been written off as God judging us. A volcano erupts in 79 A.D. and man assumes the gods are angry. The Lisbon earthquake of November 1755 was said to be God passing judgment. Now, after all of our scientific breakthroughs, we have the knowledge to precisely explain natural disasters. Why then are there still people saying the same ignorant crap? Even more importantly, do believers in God even have the right to say they know the reasons for all of God’s actions?

I don’t know. I may never know. But I do know that blaming disasters on punishment from God is ridiculous. Disasters have nothing to do with homosexuals.

Besides, God has already tortured us enough with soap operas, the recording career of Bjork, each of the Bronte sisters, dog shows, Yanni, Julia Roberts movies, the Ford Pinto, every boy band ever created, and that lady who works at the Tom Thumb down the street from me.