Student Resource Center offers ADA services

Home Features Student Resource Center offers ADA services

Adora Goff

The Corsair

Pensacola State College has some great benefits for students who need the extra help. They have the math lab, computer lab, library, writing lab, and perhaps the least well known, Student Resource Center for ADA Services. The SRC provides academic accommodations for students with disabilities.

Any PSC student with documented disabilities may qualify: physical, hearing, health and visual impairments, learning disabilities, and psychiatric/emotional issues. According to Rebecca Adkins, Director of the Student Resource Center for ADA Services, students with these disabilities may get the following assistance: note taking assistance, sign language interpreter, extra time on tests, preferential class seating, use of tape recorder during lectures, enlarged print, Braille print, academic and vocalization counseling, and priority registration.

Adkins says, “Somewhere around 500-700 students per semester come in here.” Most of these students have emotional disabilities such as; PTSD, schizophrenia, depression, and ADD.

“There are some misconceptions that if a student comes through our department,” Shelly Lawson, Coordinator for Student Resource Center for ADA Services, said, “the fact that they are registered with us will go on their college record, but this is not the case. Some students also worry that we will disclose their disability to their instructor. This is also not the case. All information related to a student’s disability is kept strictly confidential.”

In order to get accommodations through the student resource center, a student must show proof of a disability. They will then fill out paperwork and speak to a counselor to discuss their options and what help is available. They must sign a release form every semester allowing the SRC to notify their instructors of the accommodations. The student resource center is located in Building 6, room 603, and the contact number for Shelly Lawson is (850) 484-2088.