The importance of grades in the coming semester

Home Archived Opinion The importance of grades in the coming semester

By: Ben Johnson

Published: January 8, 2009

One semester is over, another begins. For many of you, this is just another semester, but for others this will be a first or final step with PJC.

One thing that I have observed, is the busy hustle and cramming of classes among students so they can get out of here as quick as possible. Right on dude, but as much as most of the population would like to finish school in a hurry, this is not always the best way to take on college at any level.

Also, I have observed the slack in motivation in earning a good grade among classmates, which I find very negative and disheartening. I am by NO means an example of “how to make a good grade,” but I know that by looking back on my transcript, I could have done a little better with a couple of subjects.

For example, one may take a class in science, such as chemistry, thinking this subject is a waste of time. But like many students in their first year of school, they do not foresee any changes in taste for a career or study that may change farther down the road. This happens to most students when they grow a little, study new ideas, subjects, and get a feel for what they want to do for the rest of their lives.

But not everyone knows what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Ask your parents what they want to be, you might be surprised to find they don’t know… and they’re like how old?

But the point is, don’t blow off chemistry because you think it’s a waste. It’s required by universities to be well-rounded in all subjects including science, and who knows, you might decide to become a veterinarian one day… and that requires chemistry.

So when signing up for classes this semester and your advisor is recommending you take a class in a certain category that doesn’t interest you, don’t blow it off and don’t just go through the class just barely making a passing grade. Try your best, and granted there are some tough classes out there that will demand your time and effort, but you can do your best and make time for your friends another day. You will always have friends in your life, but you only get one good shot at school. Make it count.