V-Hive provides students with useful resources

Home Features V-Hive provides students with useful resources

Jamie Dickerson

March 8, 2006

Many students at PJC might have some trouble getting the right information for research, study guides, and career decisions.  The CTE Student Resources department has found an easy, yet incredibly useful and helpful way to make these important tasks become less of a threat and more of an enlightened success.

The department is designed to provide career and technical education students with an alternative opportunity to help study and research for their classes.  The department is located in Bldg. 6 on the Pensacola campus.

Students can benefit from the department in more than one way.   The department has books on many subjects available for students to borrow.  These books have information on anything from dealing with personal problems, to preparing for college exams, to your career subjects.  Old editions of school books are kept for students to  use for additional studying and research.

The department offers many services for students; they can help with college preparation, such as locating campus resources and academic advising.  Students can find help with career counseling and detailed career information.  There are support services, such as tuition assistance.  Short-term child care assistance is available for single parents.  Access to computers and the internet is available in the office building.  Study aids and tutoring are also available.

Students must apply for the services from CTE Student Resources.  The requirements are listed in the deaprtment’s brochure, which can be found in the office building, and are also listed on the website.

C. Joanne Garrett is the program specialist of vocational student support services.  She developed a web site that can also help students with studying and researching materials for their classes.  The site is called the V-Hive.

“CTE Student Resources is committed to helping career and technical students reach their goal.  V-Hive is an expression of that commitment,” Garrett said.

She started this website in the summer of 2004, providing ways to help with legal assisting.  Since then, it has grown a considerable amount.  This web site is designed to accomplish many of the tasks the department strives for.

V-hive is a site on the PJC website that can be used by anyone.  V-Hive has access to many websites that can help out with research and study materials.  It has a link to practice tests for placement and entrance exams.

There are academic success tips and links to career exploration sites to help in decisions on careers.  There is a link called homework helpers that will help locate different labs and other support services.  Students can sign up for study halls for many subjects.  Sometimes it can be difficult to find teacher’s course companion websites; there is a link that will hook students up with those companion sites.

Many students work part-time or full-time while going to school full time; V-Hive has multiple links to many different sites that can make it easier for students to do research, find career choices, and really get ahead.  V-Hive is very simple to use and is a huge help in the progress of completing career requirements.