You have ‘Pirate’ mail

Home Features You have ‘Pirate’ mail

by Brenda Savage

Published on October 10, 2007

Last year, PJC began offering students personal e-mail accounts. This semester, Pirate Mail has become the primary method PJC uses to communicate with students.

Pirate mail is an email account automatically created for each PJC student enrolled in college credit courses. Pirate mail is a fast, efficient way to access strictly PJC related messages, class assignments, teachers, and broadband notices such as class cancellations, without any outside spam or unwanted e-mail.

Many PJC students have never used or have recently tried Pirate Mail. Since the program began, an estimated 25,000 Pirate Mail accounts have been created, according to Bert Merritt, the director of Management Information Systems Support. Fewer than half of these accounts have been accessed. 

“I have only used Pirate Mail once, to access my PJC One Card.ÿ I needed to access email to get my confirmation number for my PJC One card. The process was fairly easy. It was just like using your Yahoo mail, put in your user ID and password and login.ÿ Pretty simple,” said David McCorvey, a sophomore pre-pharmacy major from Pensacola.

Some PJC students use Pirate Mail on a regular basis.

“I use it at least once a week.  I think it is a good thing for college students to have.  It is a good source of information about the activities on campus,” said Shelly Austin, a sophomore journalism major.

Students have found that Pirate Mail can be a good way to stay in contact with instructors.

“I think it is a good idea. If I’m out sick or the teacher is out sick and I need to know about my assignment, I can check my email,” said Paige Hardy, a freshman pre-physical therapy major.  

Pirate mail is a restricted, safe and secure website.ÿ Students can access Pirate Mail from school, home, or anywhere offering Internet access.ÿ For more information regarding Pirate Mail, check the Web site at

Have you checked your Pirate Mail today?