Year: <span>2021</span>

Home 2021
Protecting A Woman’s Right To Choose

Protecting A Woman’s Right To Choose

by Crystal Duc The state of Texas delivered a staggering blow to woman’s rights on September 1, 2021, after their state legislature passed the most controversial abortion law enacted in the United States in recent decades. The highly criticized new legislation overturned the U.S Supreme Court’s historic 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which grants women...

Ricky Montgomery faces trauma in Sorry for Me

Ricky Montgomery faces trauma in Sorry for Me

By Sebastian Gordon Ricky Montgomery is an American Indie pop musician and songwriter based in Los Angeles, California. He currently has twenty-two released songs across the span of eight albums.  On October 15th, 2021, Montgomery released “Sorry for Me.” Along with this new song, he posted a music video on his YouTube channel. Many listeners...

Squid Game swims to surface and goes for gold

Squid Game swims to surface and goes for gold

by Sebastian Gordon Squid Games is a new Korean drama/thriller/action fiction that was released to Netflix on September 17th, 2021. The director of Squid Games, Hwang Dong-hyuk, has directed many other hits. These include: Our Sad Life, A Puff of Smoke, Heaven & Hell, Desperation, Miracle Mile, My Father, Silenced (film), Miss Granny, and The...


Community activists fight to save historic tree

by Sebastian Gordon Recently, the largest measured and recorded Heritage Oak Tree in Escambia County has been placed under attack. The Development Review Committee approved it to be cut down to expand the A+ Storage facility on 6155 N. Palafox Street.  The tree sits at the back of a .56 acre vacant lot recently purchased...

Double Fine delivers delightful game

Double Fine delivers delightful game

by Matthew Ingram Platformers are a genre that has been around since the dawn of time.  Jumping on things is probably one of the most intuitive gameplay formulas out there. Other than, of course, shooting asteroids. The original Psychonauts is one of those hidden gems of gaming that not nearly enough people have played. It...


PSC hosts community memorial during 9/11

by Sebastian Gordon PSC hosted “Freedom Quest”, an event marking the 20 years since the World Trade Center Attack on September 11th, 2021. This event was held in memory of the 2,996 individuals who died. It also honored the military members who have died as a direct response to this attack.   The occasion celebrated America...


PSC supports suicide prevention month

by Sebastian Gordon September is Suicide Prevention Month. All month, many events will be taking place to raise awareness for suicide prevention.  The overall suicide rate in the U.S. has increased by 35% since 1999. Promoting healing, helping others, and giving hope are essential to preventing suicide.  September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day. This...

Lauren Woods dreams of new art at PSC

Lauren Woods dreams of new art at PSC

Artist Lauren Woods is exhibiting her show, Dream State, at the Switzer gallery from August 16th until December 10th, 2021.   On August 26th, an artist lecture and a dual reception were held in the Anna Lamar Switzer Center alongside the PSC Art Faculty exhibit.  Dream State is Woods’ sixth solo show and showcased paintings that...

Cedric Burnside’s blues rocks Ashmore

Cedric Burnside’s blues rocks Ashmore

by Arda Johnson & Enrique Viveros PSC’s Lyceum event started September 23 in the Ashmore auditorium with musical performances by blues musician Cedric Burnside. The event was held at 7:30pm on a Thursday night, and many—including students cramming essays and adults working 9-5—took some time out of their day to attend the event and enjoy...