by Daniel Cheer

Suppose someone steals a car or calls you a name, some kind of retribution is owed. With this retribution comes a culture of groups who feel they need to have their two cents heard.
Society has a history of holding those who say or do something wrong accountable.
One of the main ideals that have come from this is the concept of Cancel Culture.
The basics of this idea are that if some prominent figure says or does something, that action sparks a conversation. Normally some kind of social media platform is involved. The nay-sayers group then calls upon to see this prominent figure “canceled” or that society should cease all interactions and support of any sort of product associated with that figure.
This movement of canceling had its first major push during the #MeToo movement. Celebrities and other people started coming forward about past assaults committed by people in Hollywood. As more and more stories started coming forward, the movement became a force to be reckoned with.
As the years progressed, however, the canceling model seems to be dwindling as the sensitivity of society changes. We are cancelling people because their house of worship gives money to certain political parties. If you are so offended by this, why not cancel the church, not the person going to it?
In more recent news, cancel culture has even started targeting cartoons.
Looney Tunes resident French skunk Pepe le Pew recently came under the scrutinization of society as his constant advances towards the cat are now being considered supporting rape culture. While I don’t think that the cartoon truly meant to be an accidental rapist, it does bring up a point that most people gloss over when discussing media and cancel culture, accountability.
One of the biggest positives of canceling is that it sets a precedent of being held accountable for your actions if you are in the wrong. What is important for growth as a human is to understand the difference between right and wrong.
One major example is boycotting companies that support groups that spread anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda, such as with Chick-fil-a. The chain eventually was held accountable for its actions by the community it had wronged and has now ceased its funding of the hate groups.
I feel we need to take a step back and re-evaluate what truly offends us as a society while also maintaining a sense of accountability where necessary. Before you cancel someone, make sure you are getting the full facts and upholding your ideals, not the one social media has told you is correct.