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Running Wild has announced its summer training program targeting anyone interested in leading a healthier lifestyle and getting into shape. “My First 5K” is a 12-week training program designed specifically for beginning runners, providing participants the opportunity to train one-on-one with running experts. There will be weekly coached training sessions starting every Monday and Wednesday...


The new board of trustee’s room doesn’t affect PJC’s budget

Julie Simmons In the middle of budget cutting, PJC has decided to remodel the board of trustees meeting room. “Recently our board and the state approved our five year Capital Improvement Plan which totals more than 70 million dollars in new construction, renovation and remodeling,” said PJC President, Dr. Ed Meadows. Peter Wilkin, the vice...


PJC upgrades in cell phone technology

Julie Simmons Between classes, school activities, jobs, and other responsibilities students are not to be able to check their Pirate Mail, so PJC came up with the latest cure, check your cell phones, it’s “Pirate Mobile.” The Vice President for Student Affairs, James Martin, understands the lack of extra time students have, and is working...


Budget cuts graduation ceremony

Ashley Thompson Effective immediately, PJC will be hosting only one collegiate graduation ceremony per year. In the past two separate ceremonies were held, one in May and another in December. This change was made in an effort to cut costs, a trend that has been increasing campus wide. “We are going through some pretty severe...


New softball field is in use

Julie Simmons After years of planning and recent construction, Bill Hamilton, the director of athletics, is in the process of getting the new softball field finished. Phase one of the constructions is completed and the softball field is now being used for practicing. The ultimate goal is getting a score board to start hosting home...


Reenactors show both sides of the Civil War

Erika Wilhite Published: February 22, 2006 “The Great Civil War Exposition Theater Company” came to PJC’s Pensacola Campus Student Center on Thursday, Feb 23. The “Exposition” consists of living historians Steve Gipson and Michael Pleasant, who are touring the U.S. giving presentations about the Civil War. “We’ve been from Gettysburg in Pennsylvania to Vicksburg in...


Floridian Fun..

Dawn Baird Published: February 22, 2006 SPRING BREAK HISTORY Just how did this whole party tradition get started? Spring break’s roots can be traced back to ancient Greek and Roman rituals. According to’s newsletter, before the rise of Christianity, young men and women welcomed back spring the season of fertility and rejuvenation with yearly...


Department head responds to Hosty case

Published: February 22, 2006 The Court’s decision [not to allow an appeal of a ruling that permits censorship of student media] is very bad news for those who value a free student press. It will be tempting for colleges to impose restrictions on reporting that doesn’t please the powers-that-be-or that prohibit so-called offensive material. Colleges-like...


College marketing looks for new success stories

Melissa Brown Published: February 22, 2006 Have you ever dreamed of seeing your face on a billboard? With the help of PJC’s student testimonial program that dream may be fulfilled. In an effort to evolve the program, students are invited to offer their personal PJC success story for use in a variety of media. PJC...


PJC student dies in three-car collision on I-10

Brandi Snodgrass Published: February 22, 2006 “He will always be in our hearts” -Debbie Chestang. PJC student Braden Bowers, 18, was killed in a car accident Feb. 16.  The accident, which occurred around 3:50 p.m., took place on I-10.  Bowers was traveling eastbound when a van pulled into his lane causing him to veer to...