Category: <span>Archived Opinion</span>

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Our View

Staff Published: September 14, 2005 As journalists, it is our duty to report fair and balanced news to you, our faithful readers. Now while some of you may consider, “Fair and Balanced Journalism,” to be a contradiction in terms, that is indeed the mission of journalists everywhere. Or, at least, it should be. The Corsair...


Katrina’s impact is a grim lesson for the future

Yonit Shames Published: September 14, 2005 Consider the following scenario: you’re standing at the gas station, waiting on an hour-long line, and your neighbor, driving a nine mile-per-gallon Dodge Ram, loads 20 extra gallons of fuel into his or her truck. You try to stifle your irritation by reminding yourself that capitalism is what led...


Rising oil prices will mean benefits for Americans

Erika Wilhite Published: August 23, 2005 So I’m standing in the  shower a few days ago, washing my hair and trying to figure out how I’ll afford to buy gas once classes start and I’m on the road for an hour or two everyday. Suddenly I have a flash of insight. No, I have an...


PJC’s strategy for the future should be Wal-mart

Britney Hirras Published: August 23, 2005 As another semester starts, even the most cynical critics of the happiest supermarket in the world run to one place for their one-stop shopping needs: Wal-Mart. Let’s face it: Wal-Mart is there for students even when their own friends and family aren’t. Who other than the friendly people at...


New bill will only increase healthcare woes

Yonit Shames Published: August 23, 2005 As any American- young or old, employed or unemployed- knows, medical costs are rising. Between 2002 and 2003, for example, national medical spending rose 7.7 percent- four times the inflation rate. Now, the average annual cost of medical insurance for a family of four carries a whopping price tag...


Our View

Published: August 23, 2005 This summer, The Corsair’s office underwent a long-overdue facelift worthy of television makeover shows. As news media, The Corsair must constantly evolve to suit the interests of PJC students.  Staff members made it their mission to experiment with different forms of bringing the news to the public. So, the renovations began....


Hope to Harvest

Ansley Zecckine Published: October 10, 2007 Construction may not be an easy line of work, but it’s the only way to truly live life. In every trial and circumstance there’s a nugget or two of wisdom worth taking; we need to take these situations and count them for good. Despite everyone else’s intentions, God promises...


College in England isn’t so cool

Charles Samuel Published: January 21 2004 he old saying “The grass looks greener on the other side” certainly applies to foolish daydreamers who think that growing up in “progressive” places like England is preferable to attending schools and working in this country. For most young people, there is nothing easy or glamorous about pursuing an...


Local musicians praise and question new studio

Staff Writers Published: March 30 2005 Hammer, drill, and saw wielding workers fill the half completed Jean and Paul Amos performance studio with the sounds of progress. But being constructed in this moment is much more than another addition to the television studios at WSRE. It is nothing short of an exciting and new era...


Bush reform plan dangerous for minorities, families

Yonit Shames Published: April 13, 2005 When President Bush spoke at PJC last week, he addressed his Social Security reform plan. But, like his previous visit before the 2004 election, this was a publicity visit. Had it been more than that, he would have addressed the arguments his opposition has brought to the table and...