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MHA travels worldwide in new movie

MHA travels worldwide in new movie

by Sebastian Gordon My Hero Academia: World Heroes Mission was released on October 29th, 2021, in the United States and Canada. BONES and Funimation produced the movie. It has a runtime of one hour and forty-one minutes.  World Heroes Mission is available to watch in both dub and sub theaters. It has an 80% on...

Ricky Montgomery faces trauma in Sorry for Me

Ricky Montgomery faces trauma in Sorry for Me

By Sebastian Gordon Ricky Montgomery is an American Indie pop musician and songwriter based in Los Angeles, California. He currently has twenty-two released songs across the span of eight albums.  On October 15th, 2021, Montgomery released “Sorry for Me.” Along with this new song, he posted a music video on his YouTube channel. Many listeners...

Squid Game swims to surface and goes for gold

Squid Game swims to surface and goes for gold

by Sebastian Gordon Squid Games is a new Korean drama/thriller/action fiction that was released to Netflix on September 17th, 2021. The director of Squid Games, Hwang Dong-hyuk, has directed many other hits. These include: Our Sad Life, A Puff of Smoke, Heaven & Hell, Desperation, Miracle Mile, My Father, Silenced (film), Miss Granny, and The...


PSC hosts community memorial during 9/11

by Sebastian Gordon PSC hosted “Freedom Quest”, an event marking the 20 years since the World Trade Center Attack on September 11th, 2021. This event was held in memory of the 2,996 individuals who died. It also honored the military members who have died as a direct response to this attack.   The occasion celebrated America...


PSC supports suicide prevention month

by Sebastian Gordon September is Suicide Prevention Month. All month, many events will be taking place to raise awareness for suicide prevention.  The overall suicide rate in the U.S. has increased by 35% since 1999. Promoting healing, helping others, and giving hope are essential to preventing suicide.  September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day. This...

Lauren Woods dreams of new art at PSC

Lauren Woods dreams of new art at PSC

Artist Lauren Woods is exhibiting her show, Dream State, at the Switzer gallery from August 16th until December 10th, 2021.   On August 26th, an artist lecture and a dual reception were held in the Anna Lamar Switzer Center alongside the PSC Art Faculty exhibit.  Dream State is Woods’ sixth solo show and showcased paintings that...

Cedric Burnside’s blues rocks Ashmore

Cedric Burnside’s blues rocks Ashmore

by Arda Johnson & Enrique Viveros PSC’s Lyceum event started September 23 in the Ashmore auditorium with musical performances by blues musician Cedric Burnside. The event was held at 7:30pm on a Thursday night, and many—including students cramming essays and adults working 9-5—took some time out of their day to attend the event and enjoy...

Life is Strange shows true colors recently

Life is Strange shows true colors recently

Life is Strange True Color was first teased during the Square Enix Presents showcase in March 2021. After four years of development and three years since Life is Strange 2, the previous game’s release in the series. On September 9th, Life is Strange: True Colors came to PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Stadia, with the Nintendo...

S.H.O.W. presents musical Freaky Friday

S.H.O.W. presents musical Freaky Friday

by Enrique Viveros From July 23rd to July 25th and July 30th to August 1st Pensacola State College’s S.H.O.W., Summer High School Onstage Workshop, performed a musical production for the Pensacola community.  This year’s musical was based on the novel by Mary Rodgers and Disney films, Freaky Friday. Director Dr. Rodney Whatley was inspired to...

PSC students graduate despite COVID-19

PSC students graduate despite COVID-19

by Enrique Viveros PSC Pirates and families gathered at the Pensacola Bay Center on May 9th  to have an annual commencement ceremony for the graduating classes of Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Summer 2021. Over 400 students were set to graduate for the Spring 2021 semester.  Attendees to graduation were required to wear a mask...