Category: <span>News</span>

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Atlantis officially grounded until Saturday

Michael Rutschky The Corsair Officials at Kennedy Space Center have elected to extend the postponement of the launch of space shuttle Atlantis from 24 hours to 48 hours, making the new launch day Dec. 8. The announcement came at 7:30 p.m. EST, Dec. 6, after spending the day troubleshooting the malfunctioning liquid hydrogen fuel tank...


Atlantis Launch Postponed: UPDATE

Michael Rutschky The Corsair At 9:56 a.m. EST this morning, the launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis was officially postponed for at least 24 hours. The postponing of the launch had to do with an unknown difficulty involving the sensors in the shuttle’s liquid hydrogen tank. “[We detected] a failure in sensors three and four 16...


PJC grad to pilot space shuttle

Naval Cdr. Alan Poindexter has been selected to pilot space shuttle Atlantis mission STS-122 in December. Poindexter is a 1983 PJC graduate and will carry on the flight a specially minted PJC medallion similar to one President Dr. G. Thomas Delaino wears during graduation ceremonies. The medallion will be presented to the college after the...