Corsair staff gets a few new members

Home Archived News Corsair staff gets a few new members

Kristen Bailey

Published: August 23, 2005

The new semester brings a new staff to PJC’s Corsair. Here are a few of the people that will diligently bring us the news through these next couple of months.

Q  Who are you and what does your job entail?

Rachel Strehlow: I’m a staff writer, I mainly cover Arts & Entertainment.

Matthew Foster: My name is Matthew Foster and I am the Editor-in-chief of the Corsair.

Sean Drain: I’m the staff photographer.

Desiree McEntire: I’m the advertising  rep. I sell advertisements to companies locally and nationally for the Corsair.

Q  So Rachel, Is it really stressful being a journalist /writer? Like they say in the movies?

Rachel: Not really, it’s extremely fun all the time except for those times when it’s not…. and nothing is going right.

Q  Why did you choose to work for the Corsair?

Rachel: Because I love to write and I love investigative reporting

Matt: Well, journalism’s my major and the very first thing my professors told me when I started classes at PJC was “You’re training to be a journalist. We have a school paper, go write for it.”

Sean: I guess just because I’ve been doing this for a while. This will be the first time I’ve officially worked for a paper. I’ve been a stringer for a while.

Desiree: For the experience after college. And because I like advertising.

Q  Mr. Editor, what personal character trait are you bringing with you?

Matt: Hmmm…I don’t really have any personal character traits, just a girlfriend! (Love you dear!)

Q  What will the readers gain from your efforts?

Rachel: Hopefully insight and new perspectives.

Matt: I want my staff and I to make a paper that our peers and mentors really want to pick up and read and also to put out a product that will do PJC proud. Truthfully, I really just hope that I don’t give anyone a migraine.

Sean: Visual understanding of the news that goes on in PJC

Desiree: Just the benefits of seeing what companies have to offer.

Q  Well Desiree, will you be publishing any mind controlling ads to try and make us buy unnecessary products? Desiree: I shoot for ads based on the market. I looked for something that the students would want. I’m ethical!


Q  What do you plan to doÿin the Corsair?

Rachel: Offer a new point of view on things and get the hard facts on PJC news.

Matt: Survive it! (smiles) No, truthfully, I just want to make this paper the best that it can be!

Sean: I take photos for the paper.

Desiree: Bring in more money through advertising funds. Bring in more ads for students and companies.

Q  Lastly, Sean…what personal character trait do you think you’re bringing to the corsair?

Sean: My zeal for God and country!