Mad Men

Travis DeSimone.

The Corsair.

Anyone who has seen Mad Men knows what the buzz is all about. Good writing, convincing acting, great sets, terrific costumes, and an aesthetic that makes you just want to kick back and enjoy an Old Fashioned with a Lucky Strike. The critically acclaimed show created by Matthew Weiner has  gone on to win fifteen Emmys since its inception in 2007. Mad Men, along with shows like The Walking Dead, have done a lot for AMC’s rating and given the world higher expectations for cable television.

Mad Men follows the exploits of a group of ad men in the 1960’s, exploring the societal conventions of the time including sexism, racism, and materialism. Each episode tends to adopt a theme that is explored by the interactions of the characters and sometimes highlighted by historical events such as the JFK assassination,  the civil rights movements, the moon landing, or the Richard Peck murders. With out spoiling to much of the character drama, the power play at Sterling Cooper ad agency is riveting: back stabbing young executives trying to rise to power, secretaries moving pieces in the dark, and the old boys vying for the favor prospective customers.

Mad Men touches on different aspects of the human condition with a style that is breathtaking. The fifth season is on air now with a new episode coming out every Sunday 9:00 pm Central on AMC.