Tag: <span>Matt Leight</span>

Home Matt Leight
How about being thankful for a change?

How about being thankful for a change?

MATTHEW LEIGHT – The Corsair I had this thought recently about what Thanksgiving was all about.  When asked the first thing that comes to mind when given the word “Thanksgiving,” people will respond in a variety of ways depending upon their own life experiences.  Some people are quick to respond with words associated with food,...


Party Like It’s 10/10/10

Matt Leight- The Corsair Cheers to the “Power of Ten”! For it will be on October 10th, 2010 that fans of the number ten will unite. A similar numerical pattern has occurred for the past 9 years and will again for the next two. There was 01/01/01, 02/02/02, etc., and this phenomenon will continue to...