by Sebastian Gordon Fruits Basket is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya. The manga was first adapted into a 26-episode anime television series in 2001 by Studio Deen and directed by Akitaro Daichi. However, it ended after one season, leaving fans with no true ending. With such high demand, a second...
Ricky Montgomery’s Talk to You
by Sebastian Gordon Ricky Montgomery is an American Indie pop musician and songwriter based in Los Angeles, California. He currently has twenty-two released songs across the span of eight albums. On June 24th, 2021, Montgomery released “Talk to You,” his first song in five years. Along with this new song, he posted a music video...
Looking “Inside” of Bo Burnham’s musical comedy
by Sebastian Gordon Robert Pickering “Bo” Burnham is an American comedian, musician, actor, film director, screenwriter, and poet. Recently, Netflix released “Inside,” a 2021 American musical comedy special written, directed, filmed, edited by, and starring Bo Burnham. He recorded the special in his home during the COVID-19 pandemic without a crew or audience; it was...
Luca makes a splash onto Disney+
by Sebastian Gordon “Luca” became available on Disney Plus On June 13th, 2021, but it was never made available in U.S theaters. Produced by Pixar Animation Studios, the movie is rated PG and has a runtime of 1 hour and 41 minutes. The movie earned 90% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is a pretty high score....
Fairness in Women Sports Act puts harm on transgender women athletes
In life, we get the opportunity to try out different extracurricular activities like the yearbook club, student government organization, or sports, and these activities help shape and mold us to discover our future interests and careers. Let’s say you want to try out for the basketball team. You give it your all, and the coaches...