Month: <span>October 2022</span>

Home 2022 October

Stormfolk Band Rocks PSC During WSRE’s StudioAmped Concert Series

By Arda Johnson Beginning on 26 Sept., PSC faculty and staff had easy access attending WSRE’s StudioAmped concert series, located next to the tennis courts’ parking lot at the Jean & Paul Amos Performance Studio. With five total concerts scheduled, attendance was free and offered everyone a chance to attend a concert during different dates;...


PSC Charter Academy Helps High Schoolers Earn Their A.A.

By Arda Johnson Pensacola State College’s new Charter Academy launched Aug. 8, allowing high school students to embrace PSC’s motto: “Go here, get there.” Through the academy, students are given a head start by working towards completing their high school credits while also earning an associate’s degree before or nearly after graduating with their high...


Tra Bouscaren’s Interactive Exhibit Redefines “Site-Responsive” Art

By John McLeod  A new art installation opened at the Lamar Studio in Building 15 on Pensacola’s campus. Admission is free to the general public and students from September 12th to December 9th. Tra Bouscaren, the artist behind the exhibit, focuses on “the intersection of waste culture and the surveillance state.” He will make several...

Heir of The Dog

Heir of The Dog

By Ty McLean From being one of the first four restaurants on Palafox in 1977 to hurricanes, flooding, and remodeling in 2017, the Dog House has weathered decades to build a successful brand. Nathan Holler, owner of the Dog House Deli on Palafox Street, took over as proprietor of the family owned restaurant in 2018....

Cast of Company takes center stage

Cast of Company takes center stage

By Declan Gibson Company, a conceptual twister performed by PSC written by Stephen Sondheim based on a book by George Furth, shocks theatre fans from October 14-16 and 21-23.  While a typical play consists of a linear plot line, PSC’s Theatre Department has different plans this semester.  Company is a conceptual play and has no...