Category: <span>Editorial & Opinion</span>

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We will handle this

We will handle this

Editorial We will handle this Students in Florida, and the rest of the country, have been on high alert this week after a school shooting in Brevard County, Florida, killed 17. Debates on gun control have broken out all over the country, with the fringe coming out of the shadows.. Rumors have circulated, as they...

Gun Control: Winners and losers

Gun Control: Winners and losers

By Becca Carlson Despite what Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor from the popular 90’s TV show “Home Improvement” said—we don’t always need more power. Especially in the case of guns. Don’t get us wrong. We don’t want to take guns away from hunters. We respect their right to hunt, especially in cases of providing food...

Time to talk now

Time to talk now

Editorial Four words conjure up anxiety like no other: we need to talk. And why wouldn’t they? The worst conversations tend to begin with those words, and the sight of them sends the bravest of us into a panic. But sometimes they’re necessary. America, we need to talk. We’ve all seen it happen. A debate...

Oprah hints at presidency in 2020

Oprah hints at presidency in 2020

By Becca Carlson Oprah 2020? Why not? Who doesn’t love Oprah Winfrey? She’s the beloved daytime television star that almost every woman (and some men) in America watched from 1986 to 2011 on her enormously famous talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show. I know my mom did. In fact, I received not one, but two...

eLearning attack

eLearning attack

Canvas policy receives criticism from students EDITORIAL Pensacola State College’s (PSC’s) eLearning department implemented a new policy for the fall semester denying students access to Canvas until completing evaluations for each of their instructors. Due to the complications that could arise from this, many students are not pleased with the new policy. The logistics behind...

Editor’s Farewell

Editor’s Farewell

By Minnie-Lee Bush When I went to orientation on a chilly December morning in 2016, I had no idea what my future would be at PSC. Now that I am graduating, I can happily say it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. In high school, I was the awkward kid who...

Free speech safe on campus

Free speech safe on campus

By Donny West Florida was on high alert early in October when Richard Spencer visited the University of Florida. A state of emergency was declared, and there was a great deal of anxiety throughout the state. Before the end of the day, three men would be charged with attempted murder. With all the turmoil throughout...

A nation, a knee, a problem

A nation, a knee, a problem

By Chris Sharp “The land of the free and the home of the brave” has become more than just a line from the “Star-Spangled Banner.” Our national anthem has become the American slogan. Recently, a dispute regarding football players taking a knee during the pledge has been ignited by the peaceful protest of police brutality...

Student Voice: Suggestion to avoid high textbook prices

Student Voice: Suggestion to avoid high textbook prices

By Harry Drasutis When it comes to textbooks, it’s a money game. If you’re lucky, you’ll average spending $100 per textbook. Some textbooks can be over $300. In some cases, it is possible for the student’s books to cost more than tuition. If students had to pay for textbooks and nothing else, college would be...

We are not in High School anymore

We are not in High School anymore

By Minnie-Lee Bush The transition from high school to college is not easy. I’m sure everyone will hear that repeatedly. Turns out most of the time, they’re wrong. It is not the transition- it’s dealing with people you’re stuck with in the high school frame of mind that is the hard part.   In high...