By Ty McLean From being one of the first four restaurants on Palafox in 1977 to hurricanes, flooding, and remodeling in 2017, the Dog House has weathered decades to build a successful brand. Nathan Holler, owner of the Dog House Deli on Palafox Street, took over as proprietor of the family owned restaurant in 2018. After many ups and downs,...

Cast of Company takes center stage
By Declan Gibson Company, a conceptual twister performed by PSC written by Stephen Sondheim based on a book by George Furth, shocks theatre fans from October 14-16 and 21-23. While a typical play consists of a linear plot line, PSC’s Theatre Department has different plans this semester. Company is a conceptual play and has no ties to time, permanence, or...

Plane Ahead for Flying Abroad
By Arda Johnson According to Heritage, Egypt (Misr) regionally ranked 11/14 on its economic freedom score for 2022; a country recognized for its erratic terrorism, inflation, and distance between PSC pirates, yet firsthand travel below questions this statistic and explores tips and tricks for living within the global village. According to several Egyptians, current president El-Sisi has been beneficial to...

Smashers brawl at Slamhandle
By Esther Minor With a long and storied history, the competitive Smash Bros scene is known for the passionate, grassroots community at its heart. This is especially true for fans of the 2001 entry in the Smash Bros series: Super Smash Bros Melee, released on the Nintendo GameCube and commonly referred to more simply as Melee. Smash Bros players from...

Jeff Etters unveils Project Blue Book
By Elwood Folse Director and Producer Kevin Davis is nearly finished with his passion project film starring Jeff Etters, the original voice of Space Ace. The film industry has lately been criticized for its surplus of Oscar bait movies, films that have taken themselves too seriously in order to seem gripping and speaking truths. However, the satirical film about friendship...

PSC’s Kilgore Review is opened for submissions
by Micayla O’Malley The Kilgore, PSC’s student-run literary journal, is now accepting submissions for poetry, short fiction, photography, and art for their spring issue. The drop box will be open until March 1st for anyone looking to get their work published. Submitting work for consideration in the issue provides a unique opportunity to receive recognition, according to Rebekah Constance, the...
Spotlight on PTK Theta Chi
by Sebastian Gordon Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is an international honor society for those seeking college credentials. PTK was first founded on November 19th, 1918, and has been helping serve students for over 100 years. PTK assists students in high academic standing through workshops, scholarships, and even conventions. PTK helps provide many essential life skills and creates a space for...

Pensacola State hosts open-mic for student poetry
by Arda Johnson Students and staff share their creativity in poetry at the Edward M. Chadbourne Library in the upstairs lobby of Pensacola State College (PSC) on November 3rd. According to Mike Will, an instructor at PSC, the English, and Communications department presumably set up the Student Open Mic Poetry event. For creative students like Richard Owens—a 32-year-old PSC student...

MHA travels worldwide in new movie
by Sebastian Gordon My Hero Academia: World Heroes Mission was released on October 29th, 2021, in the United States and Canada. BONES and Funimation produced the movie. It has a runtime of one hour and forty-one minutes. World Heroes Mission is available to watch in both dub and sub theaters. It has an 80% on Rotten Tomatoes and a 96%...

Protecting A Woman’s Right To Choose
by Crystal Duc The state of Texas delivered a staggering blow to woman’s rights on September 1, 2021, after their state legislature passed the most controversial abortion law enacted in the United States in recent decades. The highly criticized new legislation overturned the U.S Supreme Court’s historic 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which grants women a constitutional right to abortion...